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The (“Web”) belongs to Sociedad Española de Cardiología (“SEC”).

When using this Web or any of its services, SEC collects the personal data of each user (“User”), in accordance with the Legal Notice. The processing of your personal data will be governed by this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) or any other that may subtitute it in the future. Any User that does not agree with the Privacy Policy or the Legal Notice must not accede, fill any form or in any way use the Web.

We inform you that Sociedad Española de Cardiología is the data controller of the personal data which collects through different means (web page, email, electronic or paper forms) in the frame of its activity and as service provider.

Who is the data controller of your personal data?

Sociedad Española de Cardiología, having its registered office at Madrid, calle Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe 5 y 7, with national ID number G-28291235, whose email is .

Which personal data is collected by SEC?

SEC collects personal data provided by Users who request information, suscribe to the newsletter, hire its services or anyhow contacts SEC through the forms in the Web, email or through telephone call.

Through the forms, email or telephone, SEC requests to Users only such information required in order to manage, if applicable, the query submitted or the service requested.

Under no circumstance will SEC ask Users to provide sensitive data or information considered special categories of personal data by the applicable laws on data protection, such as those revealing racial or etnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, health and genetic data, sexual orientation, or Data Users’ criminal records. SEC does not recommend Users to provide any personal data which they do not want SEC to have access to. Moreover, SEC collects informmation through the cookies or similar technologies. For further information in this regard, please review our

For what purposes do we process your personal data?

SEC processes personal data provided by Users in accordance with this Privacy Policy in order to provide, develop and improvide the service provision to Users through the Web.

The precise way in which SEC processes the personal data of Users depends on how each User uses and configurates the Web.

Thus, the purposes of the processing of Users personal data will be, depending on the configuration of each User, the following:

  • The provision of services to Users or to representatives of related companies;
  • Management and maintenance of the relationship with Users (including, if applicable, payment management); and
  • Sending commercial communications related to products or activities (congresses, events, fairs and others).

If Users provide personal data of third parties, they represent and warrant that they have informed and obtained their consent in order to enable SEC to process their personal data with the above mentioned purposes and in order to provide the services.

SEC will not use the personal data of Users for purposes other than the ones established in this Privacy Policy.

How long do we retent your personal data?

SEC keeps your personal data as long as long as the relationship with Users is in force.

In any case, once the relationship has terminated, SEC will retent your personal data blocked as long as liabilities may arise for SEC from the service provision, for security reasons or for SEC’s compliance with any other legal requirement.

What are the legal basis of the processing?

The legal basis of the processing of Personal Data carried out by SEC are described following:

  • On the basis of Users’ consent who have accepted the Privacy Policy, and if applicable, the sending of commercial communications or the suscribtion to the newsletter, as well as the provision of services requested by Users; and
  • For the purposes of safeguarding the legitimate interests pursued by SEC in improving the services provided through the Web.

With who may we share your personal data?

Your personal data will be stored under strich security and confidentialy measures. Personal data of User will only be transferred to the following companies with the following purposes:

  • To entities and providers who provide services to SEC for the proper execution of its activites, projects or events, on behalf of SEC and following its instructions. These service providers include, among others, we may mention: (i) companies that provide web maintenance services; (ii) legal consultancy companies; (iii) IT and software companies; (iv) events and congress companies; (v) advertisement and marketing companies; (vi) call centers.

These data processors may need to access certain categories of personal data. In those cases, SEC guarantees that these entities will have a limited access to the information and personal data of Users, as long as it is required in order to execute the services. In addition, they will subscribe data processing agreements with SEC and will be subject to a duty of secrecy about the personal data and will not be entitled to use the personal data for purposes other than the provision of the services.

Furthermore, SEC may communicate your personal data if it is required to do so by a legal provision, in the course of judicial proceedings, for the investigation of suspicious activities.

In any case will SEC transfer internationally the personal data of Users.

Which are Users rights?

Users who have provided their personal data may exercise their rights, in accordance with applicable law:

  • Right of access. Users shall access their personal data, at any time, and may ask for further information regarding the processing of their personal data.
  • Right of rectification. Users shall have the right to rectify those personal data which are innacurate or incomplete.
  • Right of restriction. Users shall have the right to ask for the restriction of the processing of their personal data when it is legally established.
  • Right of opposition. Users shall have the right to oppose to the processing of their personal data in case of direct marketing, or when it is legally established.
  • Right of portability. Users shall have the right to receive the personal data concerning them in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format and have the right to transmit those personal data to another controller.
  • Right to revoke the consent. When SEC processes your personal data based on your consent, Users may have the right to revoke their consent at anytime.

All Users may exercise any of the above rights in the following address: SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE CARDIOLOGÍA, calle de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe nº 5, 28028 Madrid, or if preferred, through email to: .

When exercising any of these rights, Users will include a copy of your ID or similar document that certifies Users identity.

If you consider that SEC does not comply with the applicable law in data protection, note that you are entitled to submit, at any time, a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Representations and warranties

Users guarantee that the personal data provided to SEC is exact and accurate and to give notice to SEC of any change or modification that may take place.

Users represent and warrant that they are liable for any loss or damage caused to SEC or to any third party as a result of an erroneous, inaccurate or incomplete information they may have provided.

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“Orbiting” around the management of stable angina


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