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ESC Editors' Network \ ESC Editors' Network

Heart failure 2019. Insights from the National Society of Cardiology Journals

Plamen Gatzov,a,. Jean-Jacques Monsuez,b Gergely Agoston,c Michael Aschermann,d Hala Mahfouz Badran,e Ariel Cohen,f Kurt Huber,g Evgeny Shlyakhto,h Dilek Ural,i Ignacio Ferreira-González,j and Fernando Alfonsok

aEditor-in-Chief of Bulgarian Cardiology Journal, Bulgaria

bEditor-in-Chief of Archives des Maladies du Cœur et des Vaisseaux Pratique, France

cAssociate Editor of Cardiologia Hungarica, Hungary

dEditor-in-Chief of Cor et Vasa, Czech Republic

eEditor-in-Chief of Egyptian Heart Journal, Egypt

fEditor-in-Chief of Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases, France

gEditor-in-Chief of Austrian J Kardiology, Austria

hEditor-in-Chief of Russian Journal of Cardiology, Russia

iEditor-in-Chief of Archives of The Turkish Society of Cardiology, Turkey

jEditor-in-Chief of Revista Española de Cardiología, Spain

kChairman of The Editors’ Network of the European Society of Cardiology, Spain

REC Interv Cardiol. 2021;3:S1-S3